October 16, 2024

How Effective Surveillance Can Unravel Breach of Contract Cases: Insights from Universal Investigations Agency

Photo of the owner of Universal Investigations Agency, Inc.
Victor Elbeze
Lead Investigator & Owner of Universal Investigations Agency, Inc.
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    Ever found yourself wondering about the repercussions of a business deal gone sour? In the world of contracts, a promise broken can mean serious business repercussions. That’s where expertise like ours at Universal Investigations Agency comes into play. We specialize in turning vague suspicions of contract breaches into concrete evidence that can stand up in court. Let’s explore a real-life scenario where our investigative prowess helped a construction company safeguard its competitive edge against deceitful ex-employees.

    Background of the Case

    Picture this scenario: two senior members of a bustling construction company suddenly decide to resign. Sounds straightforward, right? Not quite. Both held pivotal positions—one in managing contracts and the other in driving sales. Their sudden departure raised more than a few eyebrows at our client’s company. Things got even more intriguing when our client learned through the grapevine that one of them was pitching services under a new, self-employed banner.

    The Investigation Process

    Initial Steps and Discovery

    Our investigative journey began with some basic yet crucial background checks. Soon enough, we discovered a new company had been set up under the employees' names. Coincidence? Hardly ever in our line of work.

    Surveillance Operations

    Post-resignation, we initiated comprehensive surveillance on the duo. Our goal? To track their movements and uncover any under-the-table business activities. What we found was a textbook case of non-compete violation—they were busy setting up a competing business right in our client’s backyard.

    Digital Forensics

    But we didn’t just watch from afar. We dug deep into their digital activities. Forensic analysis of their work computers revealed a treasure trove of plans, including diverted contracts and a detailed business strategy designed to undercut our client directly.

    Evidence Uncovered

    The digital trails and surveillance footage painted a clear picture: these weren’t just former employees looking for new opportunities; they were direct competitors using insider knowledge to their advantage. From client meetings to strategic plans laid bare on their company devices, every piece of evidence was meticulously documented.

    Outcome and Impact

    With the compelling evidence in hand, our client took the legal route. The outcome? A court ruling in favor of our client, affirming the breach of contract and granting appropriate remedies. This wasn’t just a win in court; it was a statement about the importance of legal and ethical behavior in business.

    Lessons Learned and Best Practices

    This case underscores the importance of proactive surveillance and IT security in safeguarding business interests. Regular audits, robust non-compete agreements, and a keen eye on key personnel movements are not just recommended; they are essential practices for any business serious about protecting its assets.


    At Universal Investigations Agency, our commitment to uncovering the truth and protecting our clients’ interests is unwavering. This case is a testament to the power of combining cutting-edge surveillance with in-depth digital forensics to deliver results that not only meet but exceed our clients' expectations. Suspect a breach of contract? Don’t just wait for more signs; get in touch with us and secure your business interests today.

    FAQ Section

    Q: What makes surveillance a critical tool in breach of contract cases? A: Surveillance offers undeniable, real-time evidence of wrongful actions or dealings that breach contractual agreements, making it an indispensable tool in legal disputes.

    Q: How do I know if my business needs a private investigator for a potential breach of contract? A: If you suspect secretive activities, unusual employee behavior, or if there's any hint of underperformance that doesn’t add up, it’s time to consult with a professional investigator.

    Q: Can digital evidence from computers be used in court? A: Absolutely, provided the evidence is gathered legally and pertinently. Digital evidence can be powerful in proving breach of contract, especially when it details unauthorized communications or transactions.

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