Understanding the different types of alimony and their typical durations in Florida is crucial for both parties involved in a divorce.
Understanding the types, calculations, and conditions that affect alimony can empower individuals going through a separation.
In Florida, proving that your ex-spouse is cohabitating is crucial and can be a game-changer for your alimony payments.
A cohabitation agreement is about protecting yourself and your partner, ensuring that your interests are respected, no matter what the future holds.
Online harassment, which can escalate into cyberstalking, is a serious crime that can lead to arrest.
HOA fraud is a severe breach involving the mismanagement or outright theft of the funds contributed by homeowners.
HOA election fraud motifs can range from personal gain to maintaining control over community decisions and resources, making it a serious concern for many communities.
In response to ongoing issues with HOA board fraud in Florida, the state has enacted new legislation aimed at curbing these crimes by setting firmer legal frameworks.
Florida, known for its sprawling condo developments and gated communities, holds the dubious title of being a hotbed for HOA and COA fraud.
Private investigators come into play, offer expertise in uncovering the often complex and hidden misconduct in HOA management.