October 16, 2024

How Private Investigators Use Surveillance in Breach of Contract Cases

Photo of the owner of Universal Investigations Agency, Inc.
Victor Elbeze
Lead Investigator & Owner of Universal Investigations Agency, Inc.
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    TL;DR - Key Takeaways:

    • Surveillance as a Critical Tool: Surveillance is essential in breach of contract cases, providing direct evidence of violations such as non-compete breaches and unauthorized information sharing.
    • Diverse Surveillance Techniques: Private investigators employ various methods including physical surveillance, electronic monitoring, and covert operations to gather proof.
    • Physical Surveillance: Tracks real-world activities and interactions, essential for documenting unauthorized dealings or meetings.
    • Electronic Surveillance: Monitors digital communications to capture evidence of contractual violations in the digital realm.
    • Covert Operations: Involves undercover tactics to obtain undisputed proof of misconduct without detection.
    • Legal and Ethical Standards: Surveillance must be conducted within legal and ethical boundaries to ensure evidence is admissible in court.
    • Strengthening Legal Cases: Documented evidence from surveillance solidifies legal arguments, influences settlements, and can decisively affect the outcomes of court proceedings.
    • Professional Guidance Recommended: Engaging a professional private investigator ensures that surveillance is legally compliant and maximizes the potential for favorable legal outcomes.

    In the world of business, contracts form the foundation of trust and mutual obligations. However, when one party fails to uphold their end of the bargain, a breach of contract occurs. In such instances, gathering concrete evidence is essential to prove the breach and seek remedies through legal channels. This is where private investigators, through the use of surveillance, become indispensable. Their ability to monitor activities discreetly ensures that the necessary evidence is collected to support the case.

    The Importance of Surveillance in Breach of Contract Investigations

    Surveillance is a vital tool in breach of contract cases, especially when the violations involve covert or hard-to-prove activities. In situations where an employee violates a non-compete agreement, an employee is faking sickness or injury, or a business partner engages in intellectual property theft, direct observation may be the only way to substantiate claims. Surveillance helps uncover unethical behavior and provides actionable evidence of contract breaches.

    Common scenarios requiring surveillance include:

    1. Non-compete Violations: When a former employee starts working for a competitor, despite being legally restricted from doing so.
    2. Confidential Information Leaks: If a party to the contract is suspected of sharing proprietary information with unauthorized entities.
    3. Fraudulent Activity: Detecting fraudulent actions like diversion of funds, clients, or resources to unauthorized channels.

    Types of Surveillance Used by Private Investigators

    1. Physical Surveillance

    Physical surveillance involves observing a subject’s real-world activities. This method is particularly effective in cases where an individual’s actions need to be documented, such as meetings with competitors or unauthorized use of company property. Private investigators discreetly follow and record a subject’s behavior to prove non-compliance with contractual terms.

    Example: In a breach of a non-compete clause, an investigator might track an ex-employee who has started working for a rival business, capturing video or photographic evidence of this breach.

    2. Digital Surveillance

    In the modern era, digital surveillance has become just as crucial as physical observation. By monitoring online activity, emails, and social media interactions, investigators can track whether sensitive information is being shared or if contract terms are being violated in the digital space. Investigators use specialized software to capture digital footprints left by individuals or entities.

    Example: A business suspecting a former employee of stealing intellectual property could benefit from investigators monitoring that individual’s digital communications or tracking whether sensitive files were transferred improperly.

    3. Covert and Remote Surveillance

    Covert surveillance involves discreet methods such as hidden cameras or GPS tracking devices. These tools allow investigators to gather critical information without alerting the target, which is especially useful when long-term surveillance is required. Remote surveillance also enables investigators to monitor subjects from a distance, ensuring that every move is documented without interference.

    Example: GPS tracking can help monitor the location of a vehicle to see if it is being used for unauthorized business activities that breach contract terms.

    Case Study: Surveillance in Action

    To illustrate the power of surveillance in breach of contract cases, let’s consider an example involving a company suspecting two former employees of breaching their non-compete clauses.

    After leaving the company, the employees started a new business, allegedly in direct competition with their former employer. By deploying physical surveillance, investigators tracked the employees meeting with the company’s former clients and using proprietary information for business dealings. Simultaneously, digital forensics revealed that sensitive data had been transferred from the company's computers prior to their resignation. The combination of physical and digital surveillance provided undeniable proof of the breach, leading to a swift legal resolution in favor of the company.

    Legal and Ethical Considerations in Surveillance

    While surveillance is a powerful tool, it must be conducted within legal and ethical boundaries. Private investigators must ensure their methods comply with privacy laws to prevent evidence from being dismissed in court. Legal surveillance techniques include monitoring public behaviors, tracking work-related activities, and ensuring that digital data is collected through lawful means.

    Ethical considerations are equally important. Investigators are bound to follow strict protocols that prevent the invasion of personal privacy while still gathering the necessary information. This ensures that the evidence collected is both admissible in court and credible during legal proceedings.

    How Surveillance Strengthens Legal Cases

    The evidence gathered through surveillance often becomes the backbone of a breach of contract case. Clear, documented proof helps strengthen the plaintiff’s claim, whether in court or during settlement negotiations. In many cases, the visual or digital evidence collected by private investigators offers irrefutable proof that the opposing party violated their contractual obligations.

    For legal teams, having surveillance-based evidence makes it easier to:

    1. Negotiate Settlements: The opposing party may prefer to settle once they are aware of the strong evidence against them.
    2. Support Court Proceedings: Visual and digital records provide solid proof in front of a judge, making the case for damages more compelling.


    Surveillance is an essential tool that private investigators use to uncover breaches of contract. Whether it’s through physical observation, digital tracking, or covert monitoring, the evidence collected plays a pivotal role in proving contractual violations. For businesses facing potential breaches, hiring professional private investigators can make all the difference in securing a favorable legal outcome.

    If you suspect a breach of contract, don't leave it to chance—get the expertise of [Your Company Name] and let us gather the evidence you need to protect your business.

    FAQ Section

    Q: When should I consider hiring a private investigator for a breach of contract case? A: If you suspect that a contract's terms are being violated and need tangible proof to support your claims, hiring a private investigator is advisable.

    Q: Is surveillance legal in breach of contract investigations? A: Yes, surveillance is legal as long as it is conducted within the bounds of the law, respecting privacy and data protection regulations.

    Q: How can I ensure the evidence obtained is admissible in court? A: Working with professional private investigators who understand legal thresholds and adhere to ethical standards is crucial to ensure that all evidence collected is legally admissible.

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